4. Roger Michael Dixon-Spain (Lt.)

Born: 18th February 1919

Died: 1976

Served as First Lieutenant on HMS Reading.
Married Marjorie Roberts (née Squires)

Referenced in Jeffrey Brock’s memoir ‘The Dark Broad Seas’:RMDS-the-dark-broad-seas-BROCK

from Google Book Search

“You might like to see what I have found out about  the history of the U Boat Attack periscope we have here at Elton.

“Lulu’s great grandfather , Michaerl Dixon-Spain was a young officer aboard HMS Bazely from 1943-1945.

“It was cut off by Michael Dixon Spain before the U Boat, which had surrendered at the Port of Londonderry , (Lough Foyle) at the end of the war, was taken out with the rest of the surrendered U Boats and scuttled /sank off the NW coast of Northern Ireland.

“We have a Cigarette Box given to Michael and Marjorie by the Wardroom of HMS Bazeley on the occasion of their marriage in 1944.”

Tony D’Alton

Photos of HMS Bazely:


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